What is this love ?
Love is an emotion of strong affection and personal attachment. Love is a virtue of respecting all of human, kindness, compassion and affection and the unselfish loyal and benevolent concern for the good of another
Love refers to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes, ranging from pleasure to interpersonal attractions.
Biological models of love tend to see it as a mammalian drive, similar to hunger or thirst.
Psychology sees love as more of a social and cultural phenomenon. There are probably elements of truth in both views. Certainly love is influenced by hormones......
This story will definitely bring tear in your eyes!!!!!!! <3 <3
This story will definitely bring tear in your eyes!!!!!!! <3 <3

Once, in school, teacher announced a picnic and they had to pay Rs 250/- as fees. He as any other 11 year old boy, was very excited. He came home running. But no- one was there. He got sad and sat near the door waiting for his mother to come to tell her about the picnic.
In the evening when his mother came back, he told her about the picnic. His mother was very tired, so she didn't give him any response so he got sad . He told again but no reply. Then at the time of dinner she asked him about the fees and tried to make him understand "My dear boy, you know it is becoming difficult for us to survive. And then your fees. ....." To which he said "So.... I ant to go. Always you do the same. Whenever I want something you never give it to me. I Hate you mummmy......."
His mother said "Dear please, understand..... Next time you go."
"No mummy... if you are not going to send me.. i will earn for myself and pay the fees..... :(
"Dear p....." she said.
"I do cleaning of the house = Rs 10/-
I go to buy grocery = Rs 20/-
I take care of this little one = Rs 10/-
I help you in your work = Rs 10/-
Total Rs 50/- pay me" he said.
"Okay, Fine take in the morning."
Then in the morning mother kept the money with a letter on the table before going. He took the money and read the letter -
' My dear sunny boy....
I know you hate me. You have charged the work what you do. No problem. But let me also clear some calculations.
For the 9months i carried you in my womb = no charge
I taught you to walk = no charge
I taught you to talk = no charge
I used to clean your diapers = no charge
I used to feed you = no charge
I used stay awake for nights and nights = no charge
NO CHARGE because I LOVE YOU!!!!! I did it because i wanted to do it not because it was my duty.
No money can buy my love for you !!!!
I don't care wether you hate me or love me
Your mummy... "
After reading this letter, a tear fell from his eye. He understood his mistake.
When his mother came back in the evening he hugged him and said " I am sorry mummy. I shouldn't have said all that. Sorry. I Also LOVE YOU VERY MUCH " ....
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