Sunday, April 22, 2012

I still love you !!!!!

I still remember the time in my life when I feel in deep love with a woman. She was young, strong, beautiful, and intelligent. I was in my senior year while she was only a sophomore. I was her Prince in Shining Armor. I saved her when she needed me, I was the only one she told her deep secrets to. I feel in love with her. Her foster parents were not supportive and hated my guts, why? I don’t even know. I still remember the night when I missed her. I jogged three miles up hill at 2:00AM in the cold. Attempting to throw rocks at her window, text messages, seaking in and just slept in the same bed holding hands. At once I felt I was going to be with her forever. We got engaged. I made sure for over a time that I was making the right choice. I tried my best to sort things out. She was my only one true love.
The second to the last time I saw her I wanted to get off the city bus by myself and take a bath. I believed I was going to break-up with her that day, I thought to myself and couldn’t do it. She wanted to come home with me and I said no, I need to take a bath and relax, I’m really stressed out. She said, “Okay. . . . “ I got off at my spot and went home in terrible guilt at what I have done. Five minute after turning on the bathtub I received a call from her. My Brother stated she was crying, I freaked out and called her back. She asked to come to my apartment because her nose was bleeding, I said of course! Don’t be silly and ask that type of question, just come over. She was crying uncontrollably. I ran out to find her, I ran to her pervious house, the bus stop, the gas station, the front of the complex, I didn’t find her, she was already at my house. I went home and helped her, I remember cleaning the dried out blood on her clothes, skin, and her bloody glasses. I hugged her and asked what happened. She said it started bleeding.I felt so bad. I hugged her, she called her foster parent to pick her up. I tried, I asked, I pleaded to walk her to the car, she said no. That night, I broke up with her via MSN Messenger. She said she knew it was coming. (doesn’t know what to write) I am still shocked to find myself not with her anymore. I…Still can’t recover from that moment. I don’t know what to say after that moment, I nearly froze to the computer screen…
P.S. :  I still love her, I have made the worst choice in my entire life, I hope she takes me back one day.

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